We are all busy. Then we see Not-for-Profits and groups that need help. Then the guilt comes as their never seems to be enough time. This week I was cruising the book fair at my daughter’s school with her one evening and saw two moms manning the checkout as volunteers for the Parent Advisory Committee. Two busy moms doing their part. Insert guilt here – and guilty confession: I have not yet volunteered for PAC.
A few days later, I had a canvasser come to the door. A fellow mom friend who was canvassing for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. We had a discussion on the desire to give back but the scarcity of time in these busy days. She said she volunteered to canvas after having the same discussion with her partner then getting a phone call to volunteer. She took that as motivation to step up and said “yes”.
I was inspired but as I head into busy tax season I also know that time right now is in short supply. I took the pamphlet she had and let her know I would make an online donation. Two days later, when I sat to do this, I realized I still wanted to do more.
So I have decided to make a commitment. For this 2016 tax season Virtual Heights Accounting will donate 10% of proceeds from new client personal tax revenues to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. More motivation for a busy season. I know this is in a way to assuage my guilt for not volunteering and I do believe that hours are as important (sometimes more) than dollars. But, we all do what we can, and right now this is what I can do to give back. I hope you find something you can do to. Cheers.
Alissa Bryden, CPA, CA, MPAcc, BComm
Owner of Virtual Heights Accounting